


The Mischievous Emperor of Evil has enchanted all the inhabitants of the country of Almaden and made them absolutely illiterate: they cannot read, write or count any more... The only place in the country that is still resisting is the Tower of Knowledge |

This edutainment game in form of a trip, destinated to children aged between 5 and 9, contains:
- 13 interesting lessons of mathematics, Russian language, astronomy, music, time orientation (how to use watches, calendar etc., traffic rules; each of these lessons consists of a wonderfully illustrated lecture and and interactive game part
- 20 interesting tasks united by a captivating fairy-tale plot, aiming to develop attention, logic way of thinking, ingenious mentality, spatial imagination and skills of time orientation
- 3 degrees of difficulty of which you may choose the one that fits you child's age and knowledge

TOWER OF KNOWLEDGE offers to a 5-9 years old child a good opportunity to get necessary knowledge and to develop his talents. Questions that are usually asked when a child enters the first form of a school have been used in this program.

System requirements:
IBM PC 486DX2x66, RAM 8 Mb, SVGA 640x480x256 colors, Windows 3.11 or higher, CD-ROM drive, mouse, 16-bit sound card.

By the order of NMG Company
