


The first, introductory part looks like a street overwhelmed with different restaurants, cafes, snack bars and so on, a virtual food paradise. Each of those restaurants has its own name, symbol, motto, which can be a proverb connected with this type of food, and, naturally, its own menu. To visit restaurants and cafes, choosing anything you want ant getting recipes instead of true food, isn't that what we call virtual reality? |

The second part, the CookBook, is a well-structured database. The main list of recipes contains a number of chapters typical for cookery books and looks like the File Tree in the Windows Driver. The recipes of this book may be represented also in alphabetic order or otherwise. The ingredients of the dishes fit quite well the modern kitchen conditions. Some recipes are adapted for microwave oven. All the recipes are supplied with hyperreferences.

The search regime permits not only to look through the text but also to choose the recipes according to a certain list of food stuff ingredients; the possibility to substitute one ingredient by another is also taken into consideration. No other cuisine multimedia encyclopedia disposes of such a powerful search subsystem; in the same time it remains simple, clear, quick and easy to understand. The program permits also to introduce and to edit new recipes.

One more useful option of the program is that it allows to form the menus according to your taste - any set of dishes, for example - for dinner of for the whole day. Thereby the list of necessary food ingredients is composed automatically - depending on how many portions you want; this list may be printed and taken to the shop. You may also print the recipes or save them as text files.

Disk RUSSIAN CUISINE - that is:
- 764 recipes
- Articles on history and traditions of Russian meals and feasts
- Over 300 illustrations
- 3D-models of technological skills
- Infinite number of hypertext references
- A powerful search system: any word from the texts of any article or recipe, 3 variants of selection according to a specified list of ingredients (with possible substitution of one ingredient by another)
- the possibility to introduce and edit the recipes of your own (all the types of search may be applied also to such new recipes)
- the possibility to introduce and save your own menus
- automatic calculation of energetic value of your food and creation of lists of food stuff for any quantity of persons
- the possibility to copy and print any of the texts
- the possibility to select different fonts
- demo version and integral system of information describing all the options of the program

System requirements:
IBM PC 486DX2x66, RAM 8 Mb, SVGA 640x480x256 colors, Windows 3.11 or higher, CD-ROM drive, mouse, 16-bit sound card recommended.