In October 1998, the joint-stock company RRS and CompactBook have signed a contract on the elaboration, assistance and support of a corporate site.
The RRS concern is one of the biggest companies of Russia working in the field of repair and construction business. Highly qualified engineers and workers of this company, their professional skills and experience, usage of modern technologies and materials - all that permits the company to resolve successfully any kind of productive tasks.
The plan presupposes the entire complex of works: obtaining and editing of the information, taking photos at the RRS objects, ulterior assistance to the site, preparation of supplementary graphic and advertising materials.
The site will contain the following parts:
- Hypothecation
- History of the enterprise
- News archive
- Structure of the enterprise
- Staff
- Completed objects
- Services
- Partners and customers
- Press and publications
- Sponsored projects
The site is already open, although the work on filling in several of its parts continues.