


The Joint-Stock Company TROLLEYBUSNY ZAVOD nowadays is a modern specialized enterprise that has no analogs in the entire world according to the scales of its productivity. |

The present project was executed within the framework of the program entitled 'Raising the liquidity of Russian enterprises' of the Know How Foundation. The aim of this project is to help the joint-stock company to find new markets for its production, new potential partners, customers and investors.

All the works connected with the preparation of the CD was executed by the following group of companies: Financial Research Association (UK, London) as sponsor and head manager of the project; Investment Company 'Dokhodny Dom' (Russia, Saratov) and Business Links Agency (Moscow) - gathering and preparation of the information; CompactBook Multimedia Publishers - preparation and design of the CD-ROM.

System requirements:
IBM PC 486DX2x66, RAM 8 Mb, SVGA 640x480x256 colors, Windows 3.11 or higher, CD-ROM drive, mouse, 16-bit sound card.