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How to run only one instance of programSometimes users click several times on the same icon and run several instances of program. To prevent it you can create a global atom when starting your program if it does not exist yet. (Global atoms are string variables for all Windows applications) -- FirstIdle script for first page to handle FirstIdle system logical myFirstEnter system int myAtom linkdll "USER" INT GlobalFindAtom(STRING) INT GlobalAddAtom(STRING) INT GlobalDeleteAtom(INT) end myText = "My program already here" -- Here might be any text - it is global string variable for all Windows applications get GlobalFindAtom(myText) if It <> 0 -- This global atom already exists request "Another instance of this program already exists or this program was finished incorrectly." & CRLF & "Run this program again?" with "Yes" or "No" if It = "No" send Exit to this book break to system else myFirstEnter = false end if else -- Create global atom myAtom = GlobalAddAtom(myText) myFirstEnter = true end if end -- Exit script for book to handle Exit system int myAtom system logical myFirstEnter if myFirstEnter = true --This is a first instance get GlobalDeleteAtom(myAtom) end if forward end |