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How to get size of text in pixels-- Function GetTextWidth returns size of text in pixels. -- You can specify font face, size and style and get size of text. to handle buttonClick myText = "Text to be justified in this test." myFace = "Arial" mySize = 10 myBold = 1 myItalic = 0 myWidth = GetTextWidth(myText, myFace, mySize, myBold, myItalic) request myWidth end to get GetTextWidth myText, myFace, mySize, myBold, myItalic -- myText - Text -- myFace - Font Face -- (If such font doesn't exists function uses device-dependent typeface and returns some unexpectable value). -- mySize - Font Size -- myBold - Bold if nonzero -- myItalic - Italic if nonzero local hdc local myFont linkDLL "GDI" word createFont(int,int,int,int,int,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,byte,pointer) word SelectObject(word, word) dword GetTextExtent(word, pointer, int) int SetMapMode(word, int) int GetMapMode(word) int GetDeviceCaps(word, int) end linkDLL "KERNEL" WORD GlobalAlloc(WORD,DWORD) WORD GlobalFree(WORD) WORD GlobalHandle(WORD) POINTER GlobalLock(WORD) WORD GlobalUnlock(WORD) WORD GetWindowsDirectory(POINTER,INT) DWORD getWinFlags() end linkDLL "USER" word getDC(word) end LOGPIXELSX = 88 MM_TEXT = 1 myFont = getWinPointer(128) get pointerString(0,myFont,myFace) hdc = getDC(0) MapModePrevious = GetMapMode(hdc); MapModeNew = SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT); if myBold <> 0 myStyle = 700 else myStyle = 400 end if myHeight = round(mySize * GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX) div 72) hfont = CreateFont(-myHeight, 0, 0, 0, myStyle, myItalic, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, myFont) hfontOld = SelectObject(hdc, hfont) myTextPTR = getWinPointer(128) get pointerString(0, myTextPTR, myText) dwExtent = GetTextExtent(hdc, myTextPTR, charCount(myText)) wTextWidth = dwExtent bitShiftLeft 16 bitShiftRight 16 MapModeNew = SetMapMode(hdc, MapModePrevious); get freeWinPointer(myFont) get freeWinPointer(myTextPTR) return wTextWidth end to get getWinPointer nSize local word hMem local retValue hMem = GlobalAlloc(66,nSize) return GlobalLock(hMem) end to get freeWinPointer pMem local word hMem, retValue sysSuspend = false hMem = GlobalHandle(item 1 of pMem) retValue = GlobalUnlock(hMem) sysSuspend = true return GlobalFree(hMem) end |